A New Way to Level-Up. The Athletic Development Retreat
A Best Athletic Development Retreat. Get Healthy, Get Focused, Train Up! Get ready to level up into a new you, with a whole new ability and idea about what’s really possible with nutrition and human potentials with the right nutrition.
We do this.
See the testimonials below to get a better idea of what we are talking about. This is new, we just barely get together enough of this diverse nutrition now to share it with ten new people. It’s not something that is done anywhere else in the world so it is difficult to get right and to get all the nutritional species desired by the super-plan. To keep it simple when folks at all the hotels ask what is all this stuff I keep asking them to add to my meals and blend-up, etc., I respond:
“To put it out, you have to put it in.”
If you want to put in highly diverse, less domesticated species of robust nutrition, that you have likely never had before cultivated using the most advanced organic methods; now is your chance.
A number of friends over the years that we have been doing this super diet stuff, come down for the ultimate getaway retreat to Panama; to let loose, live large, and then get healthy and re-charge. I have come to call them “Individualized Athletic Development Retreats,” and we record drastic improvements in everyone.
The retreat’s designer has a background in athletic training that includes military, pro sports camps, and ten years in the jungle with the cutting edge diet concept designing plans using the most robust, all-natural, and diverse tropical nutrition available. The retreat today is carried out by an experienced team of diet scientists, and students of nature who have dramatic messages and next-level information to convey.
Panama City
Panama City has a lot to offer and it’s a fun place to be. If you like the city, Panama City has it all – everything the high dollar and low dollar traveler might desire. Art, tours, parks, history, culture, learning, and fun are definitely here in the highly diverse ecology and international population of the beautiful, tropical paradise.

Parque Omar – another of Panama City’s incredible parks.
The best track I have ever done is the “Cinta Costera” (Coastal Belt) – a sixty-four-acre land reclamation project park in Panama City, Panama, which was completed in 2009, costing $189 million dollars, which should not be too much for the small nation with the most valuable logistical asset on the planet.
Just across Balboa Avenue lies a swell of gyms and hotels we frequent in our training routines. We do lots of training and we bring lots of clients to several more intensive performance-enhancing therapies, clinics, and spas offered here in the city.
Sunday cyclists in Panama get the highway. The nation has many athletic incentives, and the culture is well on its way to championing a number of sports in the coming decade.
Panama is a nation in a tempered building mode after receiving the Canal, more than a token of prosperity in 1999. This is an important spiritual aspect of the bustling and booming underdog nation that by most accounts is already the business hub of Latin America.
Panama has recently offered up its first UFC fighter, and don’t forget this is the home of Rober Duran, the legendary “Manos de las Piedras.” This celebratory event comes after about a decade of the UCC (Ultimate Combat Championship) promotion that has gone on in several of the cities excellent venues – a very well-done event!
The Cinta Costera is full of runners, bikers and even rollerbladers at all hours of the day and night, policed by the Policia Presidential and lighted at all times. I have to appreciate the free and open mentality that is ready to explode here.
Panama is a great place to train up. With lots of weather variations, good tracks, and vibrant nature runners can really get into the zone here.
My favorite run in the city is in the rain, and early mornings – the amazing track is open 24 hours (outside of Pandemic-related restrictions), and in these conditions, the team owns the world and its cooler.
Most of our individualized retreats elect to spend a good amount of time in the city. Many of them have plan-b and interest in returning regularly. The athletic environment of the city is great. The access to diverse nutrition in the city is below what we would want but better than every other major city on the globe likely – you really need to know where to go, it’s expensive but we get it done.
In our experience, Panama City is a great place to make progress and we get the diet done there because of who we are. We have done several retreats and individualized plans here and have access to the best of stem cell and hormone therapies in the world here.
Nutritional Diversity experts recommend at least one of the 12 months out of the year be used for a highly diverse tropical diet chapter, of course, most are only able to get a week to ten days in.
We do however have a boutique service of sourcing and diet design assistance for clients to implement a more diverse and better sourced nutritional plan into their lives with their families back home.
We guarantee performance improvements and an enhanced quality of life following retreats here with us to our clients!
These retreats are like dreamcatchers for the smart, brave incredible new leaders and artists of our new exciting Renaissance-like chapter we know is upon us.
Panama has always been a bridge of diversity, sustainability, and incredible biology. This toxin-cleaning landmass has so much potential – we have not even scratched the surface.
Something to think about: Any great spirit or great nature will be oppressed and exploited by opposite elements (humans: small jealous minds) and this tropical wonderment gift from the Great Spirit (Panama) may need a good portion of the special minds of today, to nurture and protect – our absolutely most important equatorial, recharge and restart resource. In other words, we need great spirits here, and the pandemic-renaissance effect is really going to be a blessing now!
“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” – Albert Einstein
There is an abundance of opportunity in this great nation whose population diversity makes everything even more enjoyable.
A no-brainer for the modern dieter, athlete, fighter, and free-thinker.
Panama City Retreats
Get in touch with us about travel plans to come down, and we will make it happen!
Bocas del Toro Islands
In Bocas del Toro, we have the best vacation house there! We have the best swimming and running right out front, and have great access to some incredible sources of nutrition and healing. This is the location of two of our principal nutritional cultivation centers where our miraculous permacultures work tirelessly to provide for all this super-human activity that we display daily. We are a big talk of the town, frying small jealous minds and encouraging bright open spirits constantly. Big fires get lots of attention!!
Bocas del Toro is beautiful, it is where much of the study is conducted, most of our long-term retreats go down and it is where we attack much intensive one-on-one healing and super performance efforts. Costa Rica is another place we go in hopes to address certain serious issues.
Here in Bocas we are well equipped with two awesome permaculture sites, four awesome residential sites for hanging out, recovery, cooking, and shake making.
Here we run, swim, bike, gym, climb, kayak, and die in the heavy sun just to come back to life and dance in the rain! Here a, amongst some of the most vibrant ecology in the Caribbean and Central & South America we have cured a list of ailments and brought several different types of athletes to a whole new level.
We work in sports and in goodness Manuel above worked to provide facilities and gear to an upcoming new wave of young boxing potential on the island.
We also stop often in the middle of Panama City and Bocas del Toro; to Boquete where we have a great Ju-Jitsu group and some mountain trail running, extreme hill biking, rock climbing, and a day in the jacuzzi. We have a few different accommodations that we frequently use and if we hit it really hard in the city and made a road trip towards the Caribbean, or elected to do the mountain culture diet for a couple of days, this is a good place to re-hydrate, recover, relax and also to get a serious day of high altitude work in before the three-hour drive to Bocas Island.
We have the option to stop in David and do what I call, running in the sauna. David has similar weather to Pheonix, and should athletes want to test themselves – this is the place.
In Boquete, we have a whole new spectrum of access, and a whole new nutritional diversity to put in the motor.
There are big gyms in Chiriqui, big agriculture too. This is the agricultural capital province of the Republic and I remember almost ten years ago now when I first came to Panama, seeing the indigenous groups close down the highway, to see demands met quickly, as the province supplies most of the country and beyond. Small organic agriculture is peppered throughout the majestic hills, cloud forest, and bosques of Chiriqui.
We can get to rapid elevation and temperature changes, as well as Pacific, and Caribbean waters all here in Chiriqui. There are select farms and garden-to-table dining options that make Boquete, Volcon, and David regular hot spots for our group.