About Us

We are a wellness company from Albuquerque, New Mexico, that has joined forces with a nutrition and plant study across the Central & South American region in hopes to help offer the all-star nutrition everyone has been talking about to a broader base of individuals, athletes, and naturists.

This cool retreat is offered at various locations including Colombia, Panama & Costa Rica where each has its own spread of nutritional species and other benefits *we may travel to multiple locations for each.  We “KEEP IT MOVING!”

In a program built for better and more success, strength, endurance, recovery, and top work, sleep, and athletic performance; retreaters get their ultimate refresh and recharge and return ready to take on their biggest challenges with the clearest mind, the cleanest system, and the strongest approach.

This is all-natural human optimization. The best human performance formula.

Get the highly diverse tropical nutrition and an idea of how we can slowly build various nutritional plans for various performance goals building a more dynamic relationship to your food and the motor of your body (your gut) moving forward wherever we may be. To really be next-level about what we are doing, we should be geographically diverse and ready to learn new areas and get new diversities and really take advantage of the worldwide elements available. So that will be our next phase; leaving the island..

The spirit and knowledge of this experience will be with retreaters long after departure from the retreat, and again when most of them return to the retreat! Moving around will be a fun part for a few of the people doing this on a regular now.

There are no judgments here…

Perfect for all levels of athletes who want the performance leg-up. From work teams who need the most potent readying before a big presentation, to the injured player who wants to work on a faster recovery, and simply those who want to make the best all-natural attempt at health or performance improvement in any case, and any category.

This nutrition is going to make other treatments more effective. Treatments such as Stem Cells, and the Stem Cell Insitute in Panama City (who has developed the going method) are the tip of the spear for success and the inspiration for Tony Robins’ new book LifeForce, which has had the PC clinic packed since its release. We have started to work with several providers of these treatments

Currently, we make these group retreats and our power-packed 1 on 1 Sessions in Panama City, Boquete & Bocas del Toro, Panama. We also do some of these retreats in Costa Rica. We practice diversity in many forms, and we have plans to some other locations very soon.

Our team has extensive knowledge of a wide variety of training both military and civilian from long-distance running to bodybuilding weight and physique, to some of the more hardcore types of training such as combat training, and some really next-tier stuff for a lot of folks that is best served over time. Expect to become your best. In every way.

We base our operating locations on “no-limits” diverse nutrition access where we plan out the interests, goals, and training or treatment potential, the venues, and the overall environment and mission.

The only retreat of this kind, and made to bring the new performance results to more conditions and cases we pride ourselves on seeing big improvements in small amounts of time and delivering an optimal all-natural diet plan to retreaters that leaves them feeling better than ever before.

The way we individualize programs and do pre-planning is what guarantees a magical experience and goal achievement for every session short or small. Incredible results can be made in just 3 days of this. What is there to lose?



The “ND Team” has worked on the highest diversity diet plans of exotic tropical nutrition species in robust character to support a healthier life and eventually a more beneficial food production demand. To do yourself right is to do the ecology right and vice versa – so be a part of the change we all need to see – with endless possibilities!



Brandon has been going at it with four of these bad boy shakes a day,  running, swimming, farming, lifting, rolling, boxing, and all of it all over Central America for the last several years. He is chasing optimal diet schematics for optimal athletic performance. He has been working with some top-level pro athletes and showing drastic performance improvements for a few years now. This really is the cutting-edge of performance dieting. He does eat meat, just to answer the most commonly asked question.



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